Practical analysis for investment professionals

sovereign debt crisis

Saudi Arabia’s Journey to Sustainable Sovereign Debt

What does the Saudi Arabian National Debt Management Center's debt strategy look like?

Book Review: Too Little, Too Late

The book is a collection of 15 papers on the current challenges in sovereign debt restructuring and alternatives for resolving them. For investment analysts, it is a valuable resource of systematic analysis, insight, and data on an increasingly important topic.

Exit of Argentina’s President Offers Value Opportunity

It is difficult to imagine that Argentina will not prove an attractive investment after a change in government.

Three Unlearned Lessons of the Financial Crisis of 2008

There are many lessons to be gleaned from the financial crisis of 2008, to be sure. I recently came across Bethany McLean's article "The Top Five Unlearned Lessons of the Financial Crisis," and while McLean highlights serious problems, it seems to me that her list doesn't go far enough.

BOJ Asset Purchases: Is Japan Sowing Seeds of Next Asset Bubble?

The quantitative easing recently announced by the Bank of Japan may benefit investors who hold Japanese equities, but Ron Rimkus, CFA, sees the classic makings of one big investment bubble.

Did the Gold Standard Work? Economics Before and After Fiat Money

Suddenly gold is being proposed as a cure-all for the weakening dollar, allowing it to retain its place as the international reserve currency — a trophy taken, not without a fight, from the British pound at the READ MORE ›

Fitch Downgrades China: Miracle or Mirage?

For those following China closely, the recent downgrade by Fitch Ratings should come as no surprise.

Is Japan the Canary in the Keynesian Coal Mine?

The policies that Japan has utilized for so long are now being emulated by many countries around the world. Japanese policy is the avant-garde of economics — or, perhaps, the canary in the coal mine.

Economics Debrief: Continued Fallout from the Crisis and the Challenges Ahead

Among the abnormalities of the Great Depression in the 1930s were the brutal violence of the economic cycle and the grim persistence of unemployment — which resonates with us today. This time around very different economic dimensions have emerged, including excessive public debt made worse by bank bailouts, income inequality, and intergenerational warfare.

Poll: Will the Bank of Japan Become More Aggressive in Weakening the Yen to Support Exports?

A recent article by the Telegraph notes that the Japanese yen has risen sharply since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. In a poll conducted earlier this week in the CFA Institute Financial NewsBrief, we asked professional investors whether they expect the Bank of Japan to become more aggressive in weakening the yen.

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