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Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, CIPM

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Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, CIPM, is director of content at CFA Institute, where he contributes financial market insights about India and the developed world. Previously, he taught at and managed SP Jain’s Trade and Applied Research lab, which he helped found. Kunte also served as a country trading strategist at Citigroup’s Tokyo office. He actively contributes to the development sector in India and is an external research scholar at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Ethics Statement

Beyond the easier to understand, important codes of conduct, “Ethics” for me is awareness; an endeavor for right thought and action.

Author's Posts
The Future of Global Investing

Asset owners play an important role shaping the future of asset management, and three of them shared their perspectives at the 71st CFA Institute Annual Conference in Hong Kong.

Risk and Opportunities in Frontier Markets

Some investors find that the chaos inherent in frontier markets offers a chance to profit from molding disorder into order.

Weekend Reads from India: Measuring Manager Skill vs. Luck

India's rapidly expanding mutual fund industry is currently undergoing momentous change, Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, reports.

Weekend Reads from India: Fraud, “Skin in the Game,” Nassim Taleb

The framework of investing a dollar and then earning a succession of pennies is ubiquitous. But it has limitations. A recent bank scam in India illustrates this point, writes Shreenivas Kunte, CFA.

Weekend Reads from India: Cures and Prevention, Time Inconsistency

The preference for cures over prevention is an alluring trap, writes Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, in Weekend Reads from India. Economists have a name for this well-known behavioral trait: time inconsistency.

Best of 2017: Behavioral Finance and India

In his roundup of the best content of 2017, Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, focuses on Richard H. Thaler and other compelling behavioral finance-related content as well the most insightful stories from India.

Weekend Reads from India: Mendel’s Garden, New Normals, and Bank Recapitalization

To understand how good ideas can evolve into bad ones, the history of genetics provides an insightful illustration, Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, observes.

Weekend Reads from India: Bharat 22, ETFs, and Maginot Lines

Passive investing in India, us vs. them behavioral traps, and the dangers of market timing are among the topics covered in the latest Weekend Reads from India, curated by Shreenivas Kunte, CFA.

Richard H. Thaler: To Intervene or Not to Intervene

Richard Thaler reviewed many of our behavioral frailties at the 70th CFA Institute Annual Conference in Philadelphia. The key takeaway, according to Shreenivas Kunte, CFA, CIPM: If only we could learn.