Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Sverre Rørvik Nilsen aka finanskarobat

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7 Posts


Sverre Rørvik Nilsen is a financial entrepreneur working out of Oslo, Norway. He runs two financial startups: One is a trading platform; the other a newswire. Nilsen also consults for a number of different clients. He has a weekly webshow with Howard Lindzon at Stocktwits.

Author's Posts
The Doomsday Device in the War of the Trading Terminals

Two simple words could radically change the whole power dynamics in the huge financial software industry. They are "Federated Chat".

The Secret Revolution in Finance

Who would you rather be? The gold digger or the guy selling tools, Levi's, and food?

The Incredible Untold Story about How the Financial World Almost Ended

Everybody has heard the stories of the blowup of super hedge fund LTCM in the late 1990s, but as far as I know, no one has ever talked publicly about what it was like inside the fund as it… READ MORE ›

The Enron Code of Ethics Handbook From July 2000 is a Fascinating Read

The Enron collapse now seems like a distant memory, and its scale is so tiny compared to the 2008–09 financial crisis that it almost feels like it wasn't really that bad. But it was.

The Worst Investment in the World

Sverre Rørvik Nilsen explains how the VXX might seem like a friendly cat that will cuddle up on your lap when you're watching television, but the truth is that it is a hungry tiger that will eventually take your head off.

Fear and Loathing in DC: A Savage Journey to the Heart Of the Government Shutdown

What will happen to the markets in the event of a government shutdown and what to do about it.

Crouching Shanghai, Hidden Free Trade Zone

With the free trade zone, the dozing Chinese panda may get a B12 shot and regain some of the massive potential from latter years.