Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Stacey Herndon

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As a senior investment advisor for PNC Institutional Asset Management® (PNC IAM), Stacey Herndon works exclusively to maintain strong and collaborative relationships with PNC IAM’s largest OCIO clients, representing retirement, nonprofit, healthcare, and insurance assets. She regularly provides thought leadership, education, and insights to clients. Herndon manages portfolios in accordance with applicable fiduciary standards and her client’s investment objectives. She works with each client to determine an appropriate asset allocation based on their unique needs. She also supports the development of new business relationships. Herndon previously was a vice president and institutional salesperson at Friedman Billings and Ramsey, and she held a similar position at Citigroup where she worked closely with institutional investors across asset classes. She also has advised municipalities on all facets of accessing capital markets and investing bond proceeds. Herndon is a recipient of the peer-nominated PEAK award in 2019, PNC's recognition of excellence and achievement for investment professionals. Based on her outstanding work on behalf of her OCIO clients, she was also recognized as a corporate top performer by leadership in 2019 at the PNC Summit Awards. Herndon earned a bachelor of arts from Princeton University and a master of business administration in finance from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. She currently sits on the board of the National Education Association Foundation where she serves as the Chair of the Investment Committee. Herndon also served on the boards of the Center for Supportive Schools as well as CASA-NYC.

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