Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Tadas Viskanta

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33 Posts


Tadas Viskanta is the founder and editor of Abnormal Returns. He is also the author of Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies from the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere, which culls lessons learned from his time blogging.

Author's Posts
Keep ETFs Weird

The ETF has been at the forefront of three major investment phenomena over the past two decades, and as a result has had a positive effect on the investment world, says Tadas Viskanta. The beauty of the ETF industry is its embrace of new ideas and strategies. Tamping down on that would only serve to make the investment world a less interesting place. So let's "Keep ETFs Weird."

Soros, Fallibility, Reflexivity, and the Importance of Adapting

Eternal market truths are hard to find and difficult for us fallible humans to understand, says Tadas Viskanta. He recommends getting reacquainted with George Soros's theory of reflexivity.

Rising Sea Levels and a Falling Margin of Safety

The environment's margin of safety is narrowing with each uptick in global temperatures. This will translate into greater effects on investor portfolios. It is the job of the investment manager to cushion against those risks while still seeking profitable opportunities.

Investing Tribes and the Paradox of Choice

As investors, we are faced with an overwhelming amount of data, analysis, and opinions, says Tadas Viskanta. Choosing a well-defined investment approach — joining an investing tribe — by definition, reduces the number of decisions we need to make. Also, minimizing the "paradox of choice" makes our lives more coherent and manageable.

Academic Finance as a Check on Pretensions

Investment professionals recognize that the markets are messy places, filled with less than rational participants. From their perspective, this can obviate any further discussion about the value of academic finance and its models. But this puts too high a threshold on the measure of academia.

Essential Listening: Perfect Bets

The last week was light on news from the podcasting world, so Tadas Viskanta jumps right into his selections, with entries touching on high-frequency trading (HFT), crowdfunding's impact on real estate, and David Simon's journey from newspaper reporter to one of the most celebrated television writers and producers.

Essential Listening: Paying Attention

Tesla, Charlie Munger, post-financial crisis Iceland, and payday loans are among the subjects explored in the latest collection of Tadas Viskanta-curated podcasts.

Essential Listening: Building Trust

After vacation last week, Essential Listening has returned and is bursting at the seams with great podcasts. So let's get right down to it.

Essential Listening: Poker Dealings

Uber, middlemen, and whether the US economy is in the midst of a secular slowdown are among the topics covered in Tadas Viskanta's latest roundup of podcasts.

Essential Listening: A Force of Nature

Jack Bogle recalls the origins of Vanguard Group and restaurateur Danny Meyer explains his no-tipping policy in the latest round of Essential Listening podcasts curated by Tadas Viskanta.