Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Alternative Investments

How Private Capital Markets Are Disrupting Traditional Finance and Economic Indicators

Banks and other traditional capital providers are no longer the primary source of capital for the economy. This shift has increased the diversity of capital providers but also has fragmented the capital markets.

Opportunities in the Evolving Cannabis Consumption Market

For investors in the space, the changing cannabis consumption landscape opens challenges and opportunities in product creation, marketing, and targeting new consumer groups.

From Sandpiles to Angel Investments

The presence of power law returns in angel investing, with the potential for significant contributions from a handful of investments, has implications for portfolio construction, investment strategies, and diversification.

Is Illiquidity a Blessing in Disguise for Some Investors?

Rather than running away from illiquidity, investment professionals, investors, and regulators alike should recognize its potential benefits and consider a more balanced approach.

Commodities for the Long Run?

Asset classes such as commodities have historically had notable diversification benefits for longer-term investors who are concerned with inflation.

Private Markets’ Governance: A New Era

Now that the SEC Private Fund Adviser rules have been struck down, it's incumbent on the industry to demonstrate how private ordering can work.

The Interplay Between Cap Rates and Interest Rates

What is the relationship between cap rates and interest rates? It's not as straightforward as you may think.

Still Misperceived? A Fresh Look at Bitcoin Volatility

Is Bitcoin considerably more volatile than other asset classes? It's important to approach this question analytically and with an open mind because perceptions do not always match reality.

A Case for Broadening Retail Access to Private Markets

Retail investors may achieve more stable and diversified portfolios with allocations to private markets.

Looking for Gains in Private Equity? Tips for the Everyday Investor

More than 13% of American households now qualify to invest in private equity. Before diving in, everyday investors should be aware of a few important considerations.