Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Andrew Lo

The Future of AI and Big Data: Three Concepts

Andrew Lo and Ajay Agrawal explore how biases, regulations, and economics and wealth distribution will shape the future of fintech.

Volmaggedon, Decarbonizing Everything: Financial Analysts Journal Editor’s Snapshot

Financial Analysts Journal managing editor Heidi Raubenheimer, PhD, CFA, provides a synopsis of the latest issue.

Andrew W. Lo: To Survive Adaptive Markets, Look to Biology

Andrew W. Lo explained how insights from biology can address the shortcomings of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH).

The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis: A Financial Ecosystems Survival Guide

“We need to make investment plans that adapt to market conditions and also take into account our own personal frailties,” says Andrew W. Lo.

Book Review: Adaptive Markets

The concepts presented in Adaptive Markets relate to all types of investors, assets, and markets. Andrew Lo reviews efficient markets, the random walk, and standard risk/reward measures in investments.