Team Efficient Markets vs. Team Behavioral Finance: It's the academic equivalent of Lakers vs. Celtics.
This book is direct, delightful, and articulate in suggesting that we take a slow rather than fast approach to getting things thoughtfully done. It touches the minds and hearts of investment professionals.
The economy matters, but it matters differently to different investors depending on their distinct objectives, timelines, and asset allocation. And it’s not the only thing that matters.
When it comes to ESG investing, we have to agree that we don’t all agree.
Most active equity funds do not underperform for lack of stock-picking skill. Rather the investment industry incentivizes them to manage business risk at the expense of long-term portfolio performance.
How can sentiment analysis help interpret and anticipate market behavior?
To understand risk for portfolio optimization purposes, we need to consider regret.
How does crypto investors' reliance on social media drive crypto market behavior?
Investing is never done in the abstract. Investing is — and always has been — goals-based.
The pandemic-era stock markets have been a showcase of behavioral biases in action.