Enterprising Investor
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credit ratings agencies

The Fitch Downgrade: The Principal–Agent Problem in Modern Finance

Fitch Ratings' US credit downgrade highlights a latent principal–agent problem in modern financial markets: Investors have outsourced much of their risk management to the rating agencies.

Fitch Downgrades China: Miracle or Mirage?

For those following China closely, the recent downgrade by Fitch Ratings should come as no surprise.

An Overview of Alternatives to Credit Ratings

In the wake of the Great Recession, many alternatives to the traditional credit-rating agencies are being considered. Here is an overview.

The Post Ratings Agency World: An Interview with Invictus Group’s Kamal Mustafa

A powerful alternative to traditional credit ratings is the scenario-planning approach developed by Kamal Mustafa, CEO of Invictus Consulting Group.