Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


US Economy: Swimming with the Tide?

Warren Buffett once said, “You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.” Could the tide be receding for the US economy? Ron Rimkus, CFA, explores the question.

Britain’s Brexit: A Variant of the Norwegian Model?

No country has ever left the European Union, and investment professionals are wondering whether the Brexit outcome will resemble a Norway model, a Swiss model, or something else entirely.

Things Aren’t All Bad: Four Reasons To Be Optimistic About the Economy

While the stock market continues to hit new highs, many would still agree that this recovery isn’t being felt by everyone. However, here are four reasons to be more positive.

Poll: What Poses the Greatest Threat to Global Equity Markets?

As most global stock markets have been on a tear of late, we thought it would be timely to ask readers what posed the greatest threat to equity markets. Over 37% of the 974 respondents to this poll believe that a global economic slowdown is the greatest risk to stocks.

Does the US Presidential Election Impact the Stock Market?

Here's a quick summary of some of the most recent research on how presidential politics impacts equities.