Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

financial planning

Best of 2016: A Bad Year for Armchair Investors

Mark Harrison, CFA, provides a list of the most popular write-ups from CFA Institute conference presentations in 2016.

The Most Important Money Question, According to Carl Richards

In his new book, The One-Page Financial Plan, adviser Carl Richards says the first step in creating a financial plan is to get clear about where you are and where you want to be. Start by asking yourself, "Why is money important to me?"

Book Review: Investor Behavior

This collection of articles by scholars in the field of behavioral finance encompasses a wide range of topics in the psychology of investing, focusing on academic work on financial planning. The book addresses a number of topics not usually covered in mainstream behavioral finance research.

Financial Planning: The Proper Role of Insurance (Video)

How to use insurance properly to protect and grow wealth while minimizing cost.