How can investment professionals stay relevant in a challenging time?
Research shows that trust in the finance sector is on the rise around the globe.
What are the building blocks, the practical strategies, with which investment professionals can establish client relationships based on authentic trust? A new Future of Finance study has some answers. Robert Stammers, CFA, explains.
Why are there so few women in asset management, specifically, and finance, generally? Put that question to Suni Harford, head of investments and group managing director at UBS Asset Management, and she would say: "Lack of opportunity."
Heather Brilliant, CFA, and Brad M. Barber discuss recent research on gender diversity at the CFA Institute Alpha and Gender Diversity Conference. Lauren Foster provides a synopsis.
"Parallel Worlds," one of the four potential scenarios envisioned in the "Future State of the Investment Profession" study, anticipates the rise of populism, a reduction in the size of the middle class, and a decrease in social mobility. For a better understanding of how this scenario could affect the future of the investment management industry, Robert Stammers, CFA, spoke with Giuseppe Ballocchi, CFA.
The "Future State of the Investment Profession" explores evolving states of trust and their interdependence with demonstrating and creating value. To get a better understanding of what it means for investment professionals to provide value and how that relates to building trust and improving investor outcomes, we discussed these topics with Anne Cabot-Alletzhauser.
The "Future State of the Investment Profession" study explores "Four States for the Relationship between Investment Management and Society." To better understand these potential future states, we interviewed Richard Brandweiner, CFA, focusing our discussion on the factors required for finance to move towards a more “Professional Industry” as well as other ways it could serve the greater good.
“Purposeful Capitalism” describes an evolution of capitalism wherein the investment industry becomes more professional, ethical, and client-centric. Lutfey Siddiqi, CFA, discusses this scenario in an interview with Robert Stammers, CFA.
CFA Institute president and CEO Paul Smith, CFA, stood before a crowd of more than 1600 investment professionals from across the globe at the 70th CFA Institute Annual Conference in Philadelphia, and asked a critical question: “What is finance for?”