Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


Does Selling Theoretical Performance Put Investors First?

Marketing an unproven trading strategy using theoretical results and tiny disclosures sounds underhanded, but it is fairly common in the investment industry.

Is Private Equity Out of Tune with Society?

Against a weaker economic background, a re-run of pre-crisis practices is no longer acceptable. In the face of criticism from regulators, investors, and politicians alike, an overhaul of private equity practices is overdue.

How to Measure Your Success as an Investor

Measuring your success as an investor involves a lot more than just evaluating your returns performance.

Take 15: Trends in Investment Reporting and Challenges in Performance Reporting to Private Wealth Clients

This Take 15 interview with James M. Edmonds, CFA, sheds light on the intricacies and challenges of performance reporting for high-net-worth investors and financial advisers. Mr. Edmonds also discusses the GIPS standards for firms managing private wealth clients and the appropriate benchmarks.

Take 15 Series: The Benefits of Complying with the GIPS Standards

Iain W. McAra provides insight into the many benefits gained by firms claiming compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). He also discusses how firms can leverage compliance for stronger internal controls and better portfolio oversight.