Hedge funds can serve as legitimate diversifiers, but blind allocation is risky. Traditional risk measures like standard deviation and correlation don’t always capture the full picture.
Skill and alpha are scarce and difficult to obtain in the hedge fund market.
Endowments have long been considered elite investors, but outdated strategies and skyrocketing costs are eroding their edge
What can hedge fund investors do to optimize the price they pay for alpha?
Most investment products simply provide exposure to the stock market in complicated wrappers.
Do alternatives offer any diversification benefits?
Just how out of whack are hedge fund fees?
Rising interest rates will provide a tailwind to three hedge fund strategies, in particular.
Dominique Mielle provides an authentic, firsthand account of a long, rising, uninterrupted career at a single firm during the heyday of the hedge fund industry.
The last Financial Analysts Journal issue of 2021 features examinations of machine learning. tax-loss harvesting, and more.