Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


To Cope with More Volatile Markets, Take a Lesson from Football Managers

Thinking about how best to design a more robust investment strategy to deal with the prospect of increased volatility becoming the new normal, the best model that comes to mind is from a sporting context: football (or soccer, to most Americans).

Invest in a Potato Before These Four Things

If you're going to buy one of these four things, you might as well invest in a potato.

Memes Are Analytical Weapons of Mass Destruction

Knowing how to navigate the landscape of perceptions is part of the wisdom of investing.

An Emotional Finance Approach to Fund Management: Telling the Right Investment “Story”

Arriving at conviction is not just a simple matter of overconfidence, as is typically suggested by the behavioral finance literature. Investment managers construct narratives to understand prospective investments and often run the risk of being married to that story.

Optimizing the Investment Process: Michael Mauboussin’s Strategies for Making Decisions under Uncertainty

At the recent CFA Society of the UK Annual Conference in London, Michael Mauboussin, chief investment officer at Legg Mason Capital Management, laid out some best practices, including paying attention to process versus outcome, having the odds in one’s favor, and understanding the role of time.