Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

net zero

Partnering for Impact: Institutional Investors and the Net-Zero Transition

A well-managed, low-carbon transition requires systemic change from all corners of the global economy.

Asset Owners “COP” In on Climate Change

As COP27 is set to kick off, 85% of asset owners believe ESG is “very” or “fairly” material to investment policy.

Renewable Energy Funds: Through a Gender Lens

As ESG investing continues to grow, applying a gender lens to public equity funds focused on climate solutions is critical.

Scenario Planning and Net-Zero

When it comes to the net-zero transition, energy investors must consider various outcomes since the outcomes are, well, so various.

The Elephant in the Room: The ESG Contradiction

The inherent conflict between the "E," the "S," and the "G" in ESG investing can no longer be ignored.