There are two words jousting in my mind: leadership and courage. I use "jousting" deliberately. Leadership and courage should go hand in hand, but more often than not, they compete against one another. And courage rarely wins out.
“I am, because of you.”
This, very simply, is ubuntu.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu famously described ubuntu as meaning “my humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours.” It is ubuntu that guides the mission and strategy of the… READ MORE ›
The idiocy of corporate jargon, the rise of the superbugs, and a lesson from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five are just some of the topics covered in this week's edition of Weekend Reads by Lauren Foster.
“The economy and understanding economics and the way business is done has lifted billions of people out of poverty. If you want to impact the world, finance is a great place to do it," said Rebecca Terner Lechtner, in an entry from the latest Weekend Reads from Lauren Foster.
Two things this week have gotten me thinking about survival skills: the upheaval in global markets, with the rout in China that prompted comparisons to the 1987 “Black Monday” crash in the United States, and the novel The Martian.
There are two types of people in life, radiators and drains. When you are around "radiators," you feel energized, positive, and encouraged. They radiate good energy. But when you are in the company of "drains," well, you feel drained. Your energy is sapped. You feel depleted.