Small-cap investing is a “negative art.” But in addition to steering clear of losers, small-cap investors have to demonstrate the “positive art” of picking winners.
There is hope for investors seeking a robust emerging market equity strategy to complement their other equity investments.
The legendary musician Prince exhorted us to “Party like it’s 1999,” but today, as a small-cap stock investor, I’d flip the calendar one year ahead, to 2000.
Now, more than ever, we urgently need a comprehensive alternative to the neoclassical model of stock market behavior. Andrew Smithers attempts to fill in this gap.
Now may be a great time to stockpile excess capital to tactically deploy in the coming months if the opportunity set improves.
Can we retain the benefits and economically sound basis of a factor approach to equity investing while more closely aligning a factor portfolio’s performance to a cap-weighted benchmark?
“I'm not saying that interest rates are going to go back up. I just think they're done coming down,” Howard Marks, CFA, told Marg Franklin, CFA. "And if that's true, I think we're in a different environment."
How would an index constructed at the US country level that weights holdings by each sector's underlying GDP compare to the S&P 500 in terms of risk and performance?
In this “little” book with big ideas, Martin Fridson, CFA, presents a novel approach that to date has not been systematized in such an evidence-based style.
Not all ESG news events are associated with significant changes in stock price.