Research. Reviews. Ideas. Built for investment professionals.

machine learning

ChatGPT and Large Language Models: Their Risks and Limitations

Inaccessible data and the limits of computing power are only two of the obstacles holding LLMs back.

ChatGPT and Large Language Models: Syntax and Semantics

Today, ChatGPT and large language models (LLMs) more generally represent the next evolution in AI/ML technology. And that comes with a number of implications.

The Benefits of Using Economically Meaningful Factors in Financial Data Science

As machine learning (ML) and data science become ever more integrated into finance, which factors should we consider for our ML-driven investment models and how should we select among them?

ChatGPT and Generative AI: What They Mean for Investment Professionals

How will all the ChatGPT- and LLM-related developments affect how investment professionals work?

ChatGPT and the Future of Investment Management

So, do we human advisers and analysts stand any chance in the post-ChatGPT world?

Machine Learning and FOMC Statements: What’s the Sentiment?

What do machine learning and natural language processing reveal about Federal Open Market Committee statements?

Book Review: How Novelty and Narratives Drive the Stock Market

This detailed stock market study attempts to extend Robert Shiller’s development of narrative economics.

Dan Joldzic, CFA: Natural Language Processing in a Big Data World

"We are living in a Big Data World," Dan Joldzic, CFA, says. "No single analyst or team of analysts can capture all the information on their positions."