Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Prasad Ramani, CFA

8 Posts


Prasad Ramani, CFA, is the founder and CEO of Syntoniq, a behavioral tech company that seeks to transform the financial services practice by productizing cutting-edge behavioral finance research into easily usable tech applications. Ramani launched Syntoniq in 2017 to address inconsistencies in traditional financial service models following 18-plus years of experience in financial services, behavioral finance, and quantitative modeling. Ramani holds an MS in quantitative and computational finance (QCF) from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also a regular guest speaker at the London Business School where he teaches behavioral Finance and decision science.

Author's Posts
Emotions and Decision Making: Five Steps to Improve Your Process

The best defense against bad decisions is to fire up our System 2 thinking.

Emotions and Decision Making: Logic-Beating Biases

Why does emotion so often outweigh logic in decision making?

Emotions and Decision Making: An Introduction

Emotions can be tricky when it comes to investing.

Evaluating Private Equity Performance: PME vs. Direct Alpha

A new technique called direct alpha may overcome key problems with some typically used private equity benchmarking methodologies.

Are Spectral Risk Measures Respectable Enough?

The pros and cons of using spectral risk measures - a distinctive risk feature that relates the risk measure directly to the user’s degree of risk aversion.

Why Do We Need Another Greek Letter in Portfolio Management? An Introduction to Omega

When it comes to describing distributions, moments play an important role.

Investing in Currencies: The Problem with Benchmarks

Prasad Ramani, CFA, discusses why benchmarking is one of the most important and oft-discussed topics in asset managment.

Sculpting Investment Portfolios: Maximum Drawdown and Optimal Portfolio Strategy

The fundamental aim of any portfolio construction methodology is to deliver optimal risk-adjusted performance.