Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Rob Price, CFA

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4 Posts


Rob Price, CFA, is the founder and CIO at Sound Money Capital in Los Angeles, a digital asset manager for HNWs and family offices. Prior to Sound Money, he was the head of asset allocation for South Africa’s largest pension fund -- Alexander Forbes, Mercer's African partner -- between 2016 and 2021. Price is committed to growing sound money adoption through professional asset management and quality research, creating a bridge between traditional finance and crypto. He offers regular insights at Sound Money Capital.

Author's Posts
Is Widespread Crypto Adoption Inevitable?

New technologies always face resistance, but demographic shifts imply there is a fierce tailwind behind crypto adoption, politically, economically, and financially.

Bitcoin Valuation: Four Methods

Unlike traditional assets such as stocks and bonds, bitcoin lacks the typical characteristics required for traditional valuation methods.

FTX: Crypto Is the Cure, Not the Cause

The FTX fiasco has more to do with fractional reserve banking than it does with crypto.