Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Sahil Sethi, CFA

1 Post


Sahil Sethi, CFA, is a senior strategist in the Defined Contribution team at State Street Global Advisors in London where he works with employers, trustees, and consultants to provide greater financial security for people in retirement. He has over a decade of experience in roles spanning product development, consulting, and strategy across the DC landscape. In his spare time, Sethi mentors a number of technology start-ups. He is also building a global directory and network of social enterprises and entrepreneurs to make it easy for people to discover these businesses and connect with each other. Sethi is a member of CFA Society UK.

Author's Posts
Artificial Intelligence and Defined Contribution Plans

How will artificial intelligence (AI) affect the world of retirement accounts, specifically defined contribution (DC) plans? Sahil Sethi, CFA, anticipates several stages of development.