Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Samuel Lum, CFA

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50 Posts


Samuel Lum, CFA, was director of Private Wealth and Capital Markets at CFA Institute, where he focused on wealth management and capital markets, mainly in an Asia-Pacific context.

Author's Posts
Urbanization and Securitization: Two Key Trends to Watch in China’s Economic Rebalancing

With around 10,000 projects now in progress throughout the country, “the urbanization process in China is one that is absolutely unprecedented in human history,” according to Zheng Xiaoping. And, while securitization is an important financing tool for urban development in China, it is also becoming key to China’s fixed-income market.

Take 15: Asian Family-Controlled Businesses: Dynasty Planning and Leadership Transition Challenges (Video)

Joseph P. H. Fan has spent many years studying, researching, and consulting with family-controlled business groups in Asia. In this interview, Fan discusses how an Asian family could best go about doing dynasty planning and set up a family governance and intergenerational transition framework. He also reminds the viewers of the common pitfalls and roadblocks that must be kept in mind while implementing this framework.

Take 15: Anthony Neoh on Fast-Tracking China’s Financial Reforms (Video)

Anthony Neoh, SC, former chief advisor to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and ex-chairman of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, discusses the progress and prospects of financial sector reforms and capital market liberalizations in China.

Poll: Will China’s New “Super Agency” Lead to Faster Financial Reforms and Liberalizations?

The result of this poll suggest that respondents are in general quite optimistic that the newly set up super agency will lead to an even faster pace of financial sector reforms and liberalizations in China.

Paul Druckman on ‹IR›: Concise Integrated Reporting is Key to Good Investor Relations

Traditional corporate reporting has been the subject of much criticism, as it has not really been effectively and efficiently communicating the current conditions, issues, and outlook of a corporation's business with shareholders, creditors, and other stakeholders. A different approach — integrated reporting — has been designed to fill the gap, and a global movement is underway to make the norm.

China A-Shares Going Global: How Will It Affect Asset Allocation?

As the liberalization of the domestic equity market in China accelerates, MSCI and FTSE are preparing for the entry of China A-shares into their flagship global indexes. The resulting liquidity inflow is estimated to reach US$180 billion as the $4 trillion A-shares market will command significant weightings in the indexes. International investors will need to start thinking about the asset allocation and transitional issues, while assessing how much value A-shares would actually add, and how the concerns and risks can be managed.

Joe Zhang on China’s Credit Crunch, Microcredit, and Systemic Risk

Joe Zhang, chairman of Wansui Micro Credit, says there is no problem with shadow banking in China; microcredit actually provides an invaluable service to small businesses. The key policy issue is how to make solid progress in liberalizing interest rates and ending financial repression.

Water Cheung: China’s Liquidity Crunch Is Nothing Systemic – Just a Wake-Up Call for the Financial Sector

China's liquidity crunch is just a “live stress test” on the financial system, and signals to the commercial banks and shadow finance entities that they must manage their liquidity positions, operations, and lending practices in a more prudent manner, according to Water Cheung, CFA.

Poll: Do You See Major Changes in China-US Relations Going Forward?

The two-day Obama-Xi summit at the Annenberg Retreat in California was an unprecedented event in relations between China and the United States. The focus of the summit, as reported, was on enhancing understanding and not on determining immediate deliverables. The summit concluded last week, so we asked readers this week whether they expect to see major changes in China-US relations going forward.

China Watcher Fraser Howie: Faster Pace of Economic Reform Not Likely

The author of "Red Capitalism" and "Privatizing China" is not optimistic about the substance and pace of financial and economic liberalization.