Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Susan Hoover, JD

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30 Posts


Susan Hoover was the editor of Connexions, the CFA Society Leader newsletter, and the digital editor of Enterprising Investor at CFA Institute. Prior to CFA Institute, Hoover worked for McCallum & Kudravetz, PC, and the US Department of the Navy in real estate and labor law. Hoover earned the CFA Institute Investment Foundations™ Certificate and holds a BA degree from Lehigh University and a JD degree from the Washington College of Law, American University.

Author's Posts
Top Five Articles from November: Equity Valuations, Amazon, Palm Oil

Eleven rules for equity valuations from James J. Valentine, CFA, as described by Paul McCaffrey; suggestions for evidence-based thinking in retirement plans by Isaac Presley, CFA; and Sloane Ortel's examination of how Amazon fits into the active vs. passive debate are among the top EI posts from November.

Filial Support Laws: “A Sleeping Giant”

US filial support laws could be a potential "sleeping giant." For those with clients who refuse to acknowledge the importance of planning for long-term health care in retirement, read on.

Investment Strategies amid Uncertainty

“What do you do in today’s market?” Three panelists addressed that question in a discussion at the CFA Institute Alpha and Gender Diversity Conference. Susan Hoover provides a synopsis.

Weekend Reads: Understanding Haiti and the Business of Philanthropy

Inspired by a recent trip to Haiti, Susan Hoover considers the nation's troubled history as well as its recent travails, the value and efficacy of international aid, and how to optimize charitable giving, in the latest edition of Weekend Reads.

Top Five Articles from June: Blockchain, Shiller vs. Siegel, and Shooting Par

Larry Cao, CFA, discusses Campbell R. Harvey's definition of blockchain; Lauren Foster describes the continuing debate between Robert J. Shiller and Jeremy Siegel; Dougal Williams, CFA, suggests investors focus on shooting par in the investment market; Martin Fridson, CFA, reviews The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers; and Mimmi Kheddache Jendeby provides some investing lessons from Epictetus, in the top Enterprising Investor posts from June.

Top Five Articles from May: Behavioral Finance, Blockchain, and ESG

Jason Voss, CFA, and C. Thomas Howard recommend replacing modern portfolio theory (MPT) with behavioral finance and dismantling the finance industry's closet indexing factory; Larry Cao, CFA, helps to define blockchain; Mark Harrison, CFA, considers issues of performance measurement in factor investing; and Christopher K. Merker, PhD, CFA, looks at the rising tide of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, in the top Enterprising Investor posts from May.

Weekend Reads: Retirement Dreams, Summertime, and Learning to Say No

Susan Hoover shares her vision of retirement bliss and highlights selections on teaching, learning to say no, tree-climbing goats, and more, in Weekend Reads.

The Retirement Gender Gap: Saving, Risk, and Guaranteed Income

“The big fear society has is your standard of living is going to drop dramatically [in retirement]. And that’s what clients come to you and ask for help on,” says Diane Garnick, chief income strategist and managing director for TIAA (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association). So what does the retirement data say? One of the most worrisome trends is the gender retirement gap.

Top Five Articles from April: Active Equity, Robos, and ETFs

Jason Voss, CFA, and C. Thomas Howard share some insights on the demise of modern portfolio theory (MPT); Lauren Foster discusses the future of robo-advisers; and Tadas Viskanta advocates that we keep ETFs weird, in the top Enterprising Investor posts from April.

Top Five Articles from February: Buffett, Bernanke, and the Trials of Decision Making

Highlights from February include a guide to better decision making by Lauren Foster; an analysis of how to assimilate market sentiment and crowd psychology to make intelligent investment decisions from Greg Blotnick, CFA; a Todd Wenning, CFA, review of Yefei Lu's take on the unparalleled investment mind of Warren Buffett; a synopsis of Ben Bernanke's recent insights on the economy from John Bowman, CFA; and a discussion of the meaning behind labels like "emerging" and "frontier" market as analyzed by Will Ortel.