Practical analysis for investment professionals


Conundrum Cubed: Scope 3 for Financials

Proxy data and estimates are likely to play an important role in plugging disclosure gaps in financial institutions' Scope 3 emissions.

What Is Systems Thinking? A Primer with Applications for Sustainable Investing    

Systems thinking is gaining in popularity in many fields including economics, finance, and investment management. Learn what it means and how it's being applied to sustainable investing.

Book Review: The New World Economy in 5 Trends

A diligent economist and an eclectic bookworm serve up an analysis of megatrends that will have the greatest impact on economies and investments: innovation, productivity, climate, multiglobalization, debt, and aging.

Sustainability Reporting: Navigating Assurance Practices

Don't be lulled into a false sense of security by the word "assurance" when evaluating sustainability reports. Assurance practices vary, and investors would be wise to learn more about the different levels of coverage.

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