This book is direct, delightful, and articulate in suggesting that we take a slow rather than fast approach to getting things thoughtfully done. It touches the minds and hearts of investment professionals.
The pandemic-era stock markets have been a showcase of behavioral biases in action.
Since its launch in 2011, Enterprising Investor has showcased the scholarship of behavioral finance’s top luminaries as well as its critics.
How do we check our investment decisions for signs of herd mentality, illusory superiority, or any other bias?
"When no one owns a problem, it probably won't get solved."
We all have biases and blind spots, and it helps to listen to people who see things differently.
How can behavioral finance inform our response to the coronavirus? Meir Statman gave his perspective on this and other questions.
This book is a succinct but comprehensive review of behavioral finance and how investors and practitioners can compensate for their biases to improve their financial decision making.
The best defense against bad decisions is to fire up our System 2 thinking.
Why does emotion so often outweigh logic in decision making?