Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


Debunking the Myth of Perfect Competition

Contrary to the orthodoxies of classical and neoliberal economics, free markets do not, and never did, create perfect competition.

Moats or Market Power?

Instead of searching for firms with moats, we should be looking for those with market power.

Top Five Articles from November: Equity Valuations, Amazon, Palm Oil

Eleven rules for equity valuations from James J. Valentine, CFA, as described by Paul McCaffrey; suggestions for evidence-based thinking in retirement plans by Isaac Presley, CFA; and Sloane Ortel's examination of how Amazon fits into the active vs. passive debate are among the top EI posts from November.

Active vs. Passive vs. Amazon et al.

The top 10% of firms account for 80% of all profits, Sloane Ortel observes. This leaves us with two seemingly conflicting truths: Winners win bigger than ever, but Amazon, one of the world’s biggest winners, is not making much in the way of profits.