Practical analysis for investment professionals

cyber security

Plan Sponsor Priorities for 2024: A Seven-Item Checklist

What topics in particular should defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors keep front of mind this year?

Cybersecurity: The Barbarians Are at the Gate

What can firms do to protect themselves and their clients from potential data breaches? Cybersecurity expert E.J. Yerzak weighs in.

Financial Self-Defense: Preventing Fraud and Mischief

Private investigator L. Burke Files talks to Norb Vonnegut about how criminals think, how they behave, and how financial advisers can spot their bad offerings and protect their clients from financial malfeasance.

Weekend Reads: Information Security Hygiene

Sloane Ortel looks at why information security is so hard and outlines some steps you can take to make yourself safer in this week's edition of Weekend Reads.

Cyber Threats: Can Financial Firms Maneuver Fast Enough?

As a core part of the critical economic infrastructure, financial firms offer a prime target for adversaries who want to steal data and funds or even to disrupt the industry. Financial firms effectively have fallen behind in a cyber arms race, and the magnitude of risk has vastly increased, with organized crime and state-sponsored attacks becoming more active and powerful. But financial professionals may have a surprising ability to adapt.

Cybersecurity: Don’t Become the Hacker’s Next Victim

Nothing sounds sweeter to a hacker than the words “It won’t happen to me.” Alan Randall-Chen, CFA, provides important advice on how to prevent cyberattacks.

How to Minimize and Respond to Cyber Risk

Thomas D. Giachetti offers advice on information security, including how best to protect client data and how to respond in the event of a breach.

Bruce Schneier: Cyberattacks Aren’t Going Away

After the online breach of JPMorgan Chase, cybersecurity awareness is growing in the financial world. But what exactly is cybersecurity (and cybervulnerability)? What can or cannot be done to make sensitive information more secure?

Best of 2014: Wealth Management Trends and Challenges

Undoubtedly one of the biggest stories this year was the rise of the robo-advisers and their growth in assets under management (AUM). Retirement security was another big story. But looking in the rearview mirror is only so useful. What's just as important to consider is which trends will continue to influence the advisory business in 2015 and beyond.

Weekend Reads for Finance Pros: Bogle, Baseball, and Investment Bubbles

This week's round-up of interesting papers, articles, tweets, and blog posts covering economics, investor behavior, retirement, and more.

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