Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

elder care

Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI): The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

What are the pros and cons of long-term care insurance (LTCI)? How do the potential alternatives compare? Does your client have the right plan in place? Susan Hoover considers the options and what you and your clients need to know.

Elder Care: An Investment Goal No One Plans For

What are those individual dreams and aspirations that you and your clients plan for? Is elder care one of them? If not, it should be.

Why Financial Advisers Need to Talk to Clients about Elder Care

With baby boomers aging and average life expectancies rising, financial advisers need to address elder care in their conversations with clients.

Weekend Reads for Advisers: Luck, Work, and Happiness

Don't fret. This is not the "self-help" edition of weekend reads, even though the headline might lead you to think so. It just so happens that luck versus skill, work (and it's evil twin overwork), and investor happiness are topics tackled in three separate articles.

Fact File: Number of People Over 80 Will Double by 2050 Across OECD Countries

The number of people over 80 will double by 2050, from 3.9% of the population to 9.1% across OECD member countries, and from 4.7% to 11.3% across 27 EU members. It is estimated that up to half of this elderly population will need help coping with their daily needs; yet even today, governments are battling to deliver high-quality care to those with impaired physical and mental abilities.

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