Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


Keep ETFs Weird

The ETF has been at the forefront of three major investment phenomena over the past two decades, and as a result has had a positive effect on the investment world, says Tadas Viskanta. The beauty of the ETF industry is its embrace of new ideas and strategies. Tamping down on that would only serve to make the investment world a less interesting place. So let's "Keep ETFs Weird."

Are Index Funds the Best Way to Own Preferred Stocks?

Preferred stock index funds are a double-edged sword, says David Allison, CFA, CIPM. They are a simple, liquid, and low-cost way for investors to gain exposure to preferreds, but their simplicity makes them a blunt tool and harbors risks.

The Gender Diversity Dividend

Lynn Blake, CFA, discusses State Street's new gender diversity exchange-traded fund (ETF), the benefits of bringing more women into the finance industry, and the wisdom and experiences she's accrued during her nearly 30 years in investment management, in an interview with Susan Hoover.

Does Selling Theoretical Performance Put Investors First?

Marketing an unproven trading strategy using theoretical results and tiny disclosures sounds underhanded, but it is fairly common in the investment industry.

The Worst Investment in the World

Sverre Rørvik Nilsen explains how the VXX might seem like a friendly cat that will cuddle up on your lap when you're watching television, but the truth is that it is a hungry tiger that will eventually take your head off.

Financial Innovation: Helpful or Harmful to Markets?

The legacy of financial innovation was the subject of a recent panel discussion, where three leading practitioners assessed some of the most widely debated innovations of our time, including high-frequency trading, dark pools trading venues, and the Dutch auction model for initial public offerings.

Take 15: ETFs and Other ETPs: Key Global Trends and Industry Outlook for the Asia-Pacific Region (Video)

Deborah A. Fuhr, partner and cofounder of ETFGI, discusses the landscape and key trends in the global ETF/ETP industry as well as the recently implemented RQFII scheme in China and other developments in the Asia-Pacific markets.