Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


ESG (In)Efficiency

Passive ESG investing has become increasingly active. It’s time for a rethink.

The US Investment Olympics: Smart Money, Crowd Intelligence, and AI

Can our Smart Money, Crowd Intelligence, and AI indices beat the S&P 500?

Myth-Busting: ETFs Are Eating the World

What effect has passive investing, including ETFs and index-tracking mutual funds, had on the US stock market?

Does Guru Investing Work?

A new investment style has proliferated over the last decade or so: the copycat investor.

Did Corporate Bond ETFs Kill the “Alpha Stars”?

The race for scale among active managers in response to low-cost ETF competition may be self-defeating.

Concentration Risk on the Buy-Side of Credit Markets: The Causes

What are the effects of buy-side concentration on the structure of the corporate bond market?

Low- or High-Volatility: Which Wins the Return Battle?

Are low-volatility or high-volatility strategies the better choice when it comes to equity returns?

Larry Fink on the “Long-Termism of Humanity”

"This is the beauty of humanity: We adapt, we evolve, we move forward,” Larry Fink says.

Terra Firma: How ETFs Helped Stabilize a Stressed Bond Market

What role have exchange-traded funds (ETFs) played amid the current coronavirus-driven market stresses?

Dispelling the Misperceptions: Three Ways ETFs Benefit Financial Markets

Lingering concerns that exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have injected new risks into the system are misplaced.

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