Practical analysis for investment professionals


Climate Change, Risk Management, and the Freedom to Invest Responsibly

The freedom to invest responsibly and the principle of risk management must be defended, and that requires us to go back to basics.

Transparency: Do We Protest It Too Much?

A lot of contentious debate about fiduciary rules and regulations continues. What's it all really about? Preston McSwain suggests one word: transparency.

Some Surprising (and Not-So-Surprising) Notes on Risks and Happiness in Retirement

Michael Finke, professor and director of retirement planning and living in the personal financial planning department at Texas Tech University, discusses idiosyncratic longevity trends and risks; planning for cognitive and physical changes in old age as a fiduciary adviser; and avoiding risks and planning for a more satisfying life in retirement.

Weekend Reads for Finance Pros: Bubbles, Fama and French, and Executive Brains

Have you wondered how an economics book written by a French professor — Thomas Piketty’s tome Capital in the Twenty-First Century with 577 pages of text and graphs plus 78 pages of notes — scaled the best-seller lists on Amazon and the New York Times? As with so many things in life, timing is a factor.

Issues Confronting Fiduciaries Today: Solving a “Three-Variable Problem”

These days, the role of a fiduciary is fraught with challenges and potential pitfalls, ranging from investing in challenging market conditions to ensuring all beneficiaries are treated fairly.

The Credibility Gap: The Systemic Implications of Trust (Video)

At the recent Global Investment Risk Symposium, John Taft, head of RBC Wealth Management in the United States and author of READ MORE ›

How Not to Bungle a Trust: A Checklist for Investment Trustees

Lawsuits involving estates and trusts are on the rise. Here are 10 tips for trustees to bear in mind to avoid litigation.

Five Questions Every Investment Trustee Should Ask about Risk

Benjamin Graham, the father of security analysis, once said, “The essence of investment management entails the management of risk, not the management of returns.” This is advice that every investment trustee should take to heart.

What Kind of Adviser Do You Have?

Tom Brakke, CFA, discusses why understanding the nature of the person giving you advice is very important, no matter what type of investor you are.

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