Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

gender equality

ESG Matters: Global Trends and Transitions

How are women growing in importance in the investment ecosystem? How are firms approaching the sustainability journey?

The Perfect Storm: Women Need Finance and Finance Needs Women

Regardless of their age, profession, geographic area, or cultural background, smart women deal with money one way or another everyday, reports Barbara Stewart, CFA. Learn more about her latest research, “How Smart Women Are Managing Their Money in 2017.”

Best of 2016: “Diversity Is the Engine of Invention”

It's harder than ever to dispute that more balanced teams deliver better results. But the financial industry still has a ways to go. Lauren Foster provides a list of the top content on the benefits of diversity from 2016.

Best of 2015: The Challenge of “Diversity”

We should treat diversity as a positive conversation, an idea whose time has come, something that serves the good of all, and never as a club or an indictment.

The Gender Imbalance in Finance: How Do We Narrow the Gap?

As part of the Future of Finance initiative, CFA Institute recently held an online forum to discuss the high cost of the gender imbalance in finance. Two of the questions that were discussed were: (1) Would it be good for the end investor if women represented more of the industry? and (2) Greater diversity of thought processes can often lead to better end results. But is the finance industry attracting and, perhaps more importantly, retaining women?

The High Cost of the Gender Imbalance in Finance (Online Forum)

As part of CFA Institute’s Future of Finance initiative, we are hosting an online discussion entitled, “The High Cost of the Gender Imbalance in Finance,” on Thursday, 9 April.

Weekend Reads for Finance Pros: Fiduciary Protection, Mindfulness, and Courage

Every now and then I come across something so good, I immediately scribble it (or type it) down lest I forget. That’s what happened when I shared a quote about courage with some of my… READ MORE ›

Anne-Marie Slaughter: Gender Equality Is “Not about Women. It’s about Care”

Anne-Marie Slaughter, president and CEO of the New America Foundation and author of the seminal article, "Why Women Still Can't Have It All," believes we won't make progress toward real gender equality until we learn to value and respect caregiving as much as we do breadwinning, and until women give up their preconceptions of masculinity and a man's role in the home.