Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


Weekend Reads: Driveway Moments, Second Acts, and a Long-Lost Recipe

Perhaps attaining a state of "flow" while working is what allows you to thrive in your career. Lauren Foster describes this effect and curates other selections on second acts, long-lost recipes, the art of stillness, and much more in this edition of Weekend Reads.

Some Neuroeconomics Tips for Improving Investment Decision Making

What does the developing field of neuroeconomics have to offer investment professionals?

How Technology Can Help You Commit Fewer Investment Mistakes

It may seem as if the behavioral admonitions and lessons of behavioral finance are difficult to even recognize, yet alone correct. Essentia Analytics' intelligent decision support software may provide an answer.

Weekend Reads for Finance Pros: China, Daniel Kahneman on Luck, and Retirement

Here in Asia, speculation continues to swirl about China, with headlines portending doom: "rout deepens", "financial distress", and "bear market". Amid all of this, a Tibetan mastiff puppy reportedly sold in China for almost $2 million, prompting author and bubble watcher Vikram Mansharamani to tweet: "China bust coming?"

Weekend Reads for Advisers: Our Brains, Psychopaths, and (Failed) Resolutions

Back in my fomer life, I was a reporter and editor at the Financial Times, where, for a time, I edited James Altucher’s regular FT column. His musings were often irreverent and amusing and, needless to say, attracted a… READ MORE ›

High-Stakes Decision Making: How Neuroscience Rescues Behavioral Finance

The University of Chicago’s Sian Beilock, author of "Choke: What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal about Getting It Right When You Have To," outlines solutions to three kinds of problems often encountered by investment practitioners and other high-stakes decision makers.

Practical Investment Decision-Making Tips from Neuroscience (Video)

ReThink Group's Denise Shull advises Wall Street traders and investor on how to apply the latest finding from neuroscience to their work.