Where should we focus our personal development so that it has the maximum benefit?
Have you taken risks with your career? We asked readers of CFA Institute Financial NewsBrief whether they took chances in their professional lives and how they feel about having taken them or, conversely, having avoided them.
I don't know about you, but to me it seems as if summer flew by. Here in the United States, Labor Day — the symbolic end of summer — is just around the corner. With that in mind, I thought I'd do something a little different this week: before I recap some of the most interesting content I've come across recently, here's an ode to summer.
Heather Packard rounds up her favorite articles from 2012 on soft skills and career development.
What does the word "influence" mean to you? Businesses are increasingly moving towards flat and/or matrix organizational structures and valuing and encouraging collaboration and interdependencies across work groups. The ability to influence in all directions and across all types of relationships is also likewise becoming increasingly important. In this brave new world, influence doesn't simply mean achieving a specific outcome you desire but rather collaborating effectively with and leading others collectively towards commitment, outcomes, and change.