The leading Enterprising Investor articles from 2019 feature insights from some of the top luminaries in all of finance.
Does your curriculum vitae (CV) pass the six-second test?
What were the articles of the year on Enterprising Investor? The 10 leading posts covered a broad spectrum of subjects, from interviewing and cover letter tips, to how to optimize decision making and better understand blockchain technology. They were authored by some of the most influential thinkers in finance, including Michael Batnick, CFA, and Ben Carlson, CFA, and together offer an illuminating view into the state of the investment profession in 2017.
If you don't take the time to think strategically about your cover letter and make sure it is well written, you are missing an important opportunity, says Julia VanDeren.
Career coach Dennis Grady offered valuable advice on constructing an effective resume in a recent webinar. Julia VanDeren breaks his insights down into three critical pointers.