Over the past couple of weeks, two of the themes that dominated headlines in the US financial press were emerging markets and retirement, specifically President Obama's "myRA" proposal. Here are a few articles on both these topics, in case you missed them, along with some other interesting reads.
As if we didn’t have enough acronyms in financial services, this week we added a new one: “myRA” — which stands for “my Retirement Account.” As Marketplace explained in a READ MORE ›
Navigating tax strategies can be particularly tricky to begin with, and the flurry of advice following the IRS’s relaxation of Roth IRA recharacterization rules (which removed the restrictions on higher-income individuals converting their IRAs) caused no small amount of confusion in the financial community.
Don't fret. This is not the "self-help" edition of weekend reads, even though the headline might lead you to think so. It just so happens that luck versus skill, work (and it's evil twin overwork), and investor happiness are topics tackled in three separate articles.
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