Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Charles Ellis, CFA

4 Posts


Charles D. Ellis, CFA, is chair of the Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Author's Posts
In Defense of Active Investing

There are benefits to active investing that the narrow focus on “beating the market” continues to miss.

Hard Choices: Where We Are

Charles D. Ellis, CFA, offers a "sensible pathway to an overall resolution" of the US Social Security and retirement crises. Unfortunately, he writes, "there is no happy solution; there is no magic answer."

Lessons on Grand Strategy

Given the multiple dimensions on which investment organizations compete and seek to excel, the present and future leaders of the world’s many investment organizations would not be surprised to find that history’s masters of Grand Strategy — Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, and Mahan — all have important lessons in leadership to share with the leaders of contemporary investment management firms.

Investment Management Fees Are (Much) Higher Than You Think

Most investors think investment management fees are low. They're wrong.

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