Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Kevin Prall, CFA

4 Posts


Kevin Prall, CFA, is a managing director with EY where he is the Minneapolis Market Leader for Strategy & Transactions - Valuation & Modeling. His specialties include business enterprise valuations, intangible asset valuations, and forecasting for financial reporting, tax, and transaction support. Prall is currently serving as the Business Valuation Standards Director at the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC). In his role at the IVSC, he works with global leaders of the valuation industry, securities regulators, and accounting standard setters to advance the interests of investors and the capital markets. With the IVSC, Prall has authored two related articles on ESG: "ESG and Business Valuation" and "A Framework to Assess ESG Value Creation."

Author's Posts
ESG Ratings: Navigating Through the Haze

How severe is the lack of correlation among ESG ratings?

A Framework to Drive ESG Financial Discipline

A focus on intangible value creation can bring more financial discipline to ESG investments.

The Path Ahead: Insights on the Economic Recovery

Despite the shock reverberating through the global economy, equity prices have maintained their upward trajectory. What explains this disconnect?

Accounting Matters: Standard Setters Weigh Goodwill Changes

The complexities of accounting for intangible assets and goodwill are not conducive to a quick fix.