Practical analysis for investment professionals

Drivers of Value

Investment Manager Selection Is Hotting Up. Are You Ready for the Tough Questions?  

Investment managers are being caught off guard by tougher questions from an increasingly sophisticated allocator market. Are you prepared for your next beauty parade?

Measuring Corporate Impact: The Gold Is in the Details

Do the products and services of the companies you invest in create negative or positive material outcomes?

Can Equal Weight Solve Our Concentration Crisis? Not So Fast…

Mega-cap concentration has exploded since 2015. The corollary to an increasingly top-heavy benchmark is that market diversification and breadth have never been more limited. A multifactor methodology can be a restorative balance to US equities when more traditional measures fall short.

Vanguard’s Former OCIO Clients Must Stand Their Ground

Vanguard's OCIO clients should be wary of the higher-fee active funds and alternative investments that are now open to them.

Are Your Data Governance and Management Practices Keeping Pace with the AI Boom?

No matter how sophisticated and expensive a firm's AI tools are, it should not forget that the principle “garbage in, garbage out” (GIGO) applies to the entire investment management process.

Conundrum Cubed: Scope 3 for Financials

Proxy data and estimates are likely to play an important role in plugging disclosure gaps in financial institutions' Scope 3 emissions.

Did Inflation Kill the CAPM?

While the immediate future may not be promising for the equity premium, it looks bright for factor premiums.

Behavior of Crowds not Wisdom of Crowds

When behavioral crowds are roiling the markets, as they are now, best idea active equity has an excellent chance of outperforming.

Concerned About Market Concentration and Lofty Valuations? Consider Small Caps

Investors are showing increased concern about large-cap stocks due to high market concentration and lofty stock valuations. Other factors combine to make a compelling case for small caps.

Book Review: My Value Creation Journey

Bartley J. Madden has produced a book that challenges business leaders and investment professionals to think outside the box systematically to solve difficult problems.