A reduction of the ECB's balance sheet and a serious effort to achieve positive real interest rates will be key to ensuring a turnaround in the fortunes of the EUR/USD.
Austerity, mutualization, monetization, or some combination thereof? What path will Europe take?
Powerful new instruments have to be created to revive a flagging eurozone economy.
However bad you think a given development is, it is worth remembering that the productive step is to put your focus in a positive place. Real businesses were built during the Great Depression. People made money during the financial crisis. Despite myriad predictions to the contrary, the sun still rises every day in the east.
The United Kingdom’s official exit from the European Union (EU) will be a long and uncertain process. Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty governs a departure from the union, but provides few guidelines.
Though the post-Brexit referendum era is still in its early stages, the initial developments in the aftermath of the vote are in keeping with the results of a recent CFA Institute and the CFA Society of the UK survey.
What is the upcoming Brexit referendum all about? Is the United Kingdom better off staying in or leaving the European Union (EU)? Does it even matter? For insight on these questions, we polled CFA institute Financial NewsBrief readers.
Infrastructure is seen as an attractive proposition, not only because of its (in some sectors) double-digit returns in a low-yield environment but also because it offers diversification opportunities coupled with reliable earnings and consistent cash flows. Infrastructure can also be used for liability matching and inflation hedging (given that inflation tends to be built into the revenue stream of projects).
Investment professionals have had ample reason to reach for the antacid in the past week.
By the time you read this, we should know if the European finance ministers reached a deal Thursday to address the Greece situation. Either way, most believe that the "Greek tragedy" is unlikely to have a happy ending. And this situation bears watching because the end game will have significant implications for Greece, Europe, and the rest of the world.