Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Firm Management and Client Relationships

Know Your Prospect (KYP): What’s in Their Portfolio and Why?

Using a potential client's existing portfolio as a diagnostic tool just might lead to a higher conversion rate.

Portfolio Confidential: Five Common Client Concerns

What are the five most common client concerns and how can we address them?

How Do Smart Clients Invest in Themselves? Know Their “Why”

“Ultimately, there’s one investment that supersedes all others: Invest in yourself," Warren Buffett said. "Nobody can take away what you’ve got in yourself, and everybody has potential they haven’t used yet.”

Beyond Duration and Convexity: Eight Ways to Bond with Clients

Successful adviser-client relationships are built on more than just investment advice.

2023 US Wealth Management Outlook: Tax Planning and Wealth Preservation

After a down year for financial markets, investors’ priorities have naturally shifted from growing their assets to preserving their wealth.

How to Talk to Clients about Inflation

Clients have concerns about inflation. Here are a few tips to approach these conversations.

From No to Yes: Persuading Clients with the 3Ps Method

What is the 3Ps method? And how can it transform rejection into approval?

The Financial Adviser Value Proposition: The Five Components

What can we do for our clients that they can’t do on their own? What can make us better at managing their money than they are?

Retirement Income: Six Strategies

How can we mitigate sequence of returns risk (SoRR)?

On Investment Objectives and Risks, Clear Communication Is Key, Part 3

Portfolio Pi and Portfolio Eta are new decision metrics that connect investment objectives and risks.