Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Latin America

Jorge Castañeda: Latin America at a Turning Point

Latin America has achieved a pivotal milestone, Jorge Castañeda explained at the inaugural CFA Institute Latin America Investment Conference. After decades of difficulty, democracy seems to have finally taken root. Ron Rimkus, CFA, explains.

Exit of Argentina’s President Offers Value Opportunity

It is difficult to imagine that Argentina will not prove an attractive investment after a change in government.

Argentina’s Stock Market Is All About US Dollars

An explanation of the different monetary and exchange policies in Argentina over the last 20 years, the measures implemented in the currency market since 2011, and the impact of these measures in the local stock market.

Will Argentina Default? It Hangs On a Judge in New York City

To understand why a judge in New York has to force Argentina to pay its sovereign obligations, we need to go back to 2002, when Argentina defaulted on its debt.

The Case of Empresas la Polar: Encouraging Whistleblowers Can Serve a Firm’s Interest

The largest corporate fraud in Chilean history offers a cautionary tale not only about improper accounting and misleading financial statements but also about the importance of implementing an organizational culture that encourages employees to take action when they observe unethical behavior.

Take 15: The Latin American Investment Climate

Latin America creates an interesting set of investment opportunities in light of its potential for economic growth and the development of its financial markets. Melvin Escudero discusses some of the elements that will be critical for Latin America's continued growth in the future.