Using machine learning algorithms in portfolio optimization is a growing trend that investors should pay attention to.
Portfolios that include both productive and scarce assets can deliver similar performance to the S&P 500 with less risk than those that hold only productive assets.
Smart rebalancing rules help portfolio managers capture more of the return that is inherent in their factor strategies. Concentrating on “priority best” trading improves factor portfolio performance.
How can we identify and measure a portfolio's benchmark misfit risk?
Andrew W. Lo explained how insights from biology can address the shortcomings of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH).
What were the articles of the year on Enterprising Investor? The 10 leading posts covered a broad spectrum of subjects, from interviewing and cover letter tips, to how to optimize decision making and better understand blockchain technology. They were authored by some of the most influential thinkers in finance, including Michael Batnick, CFA, and Ben Carlson, CFA, and together offer an illuminating view into the state of the investment profession in 2017.
Your Complete Guide to Factor-Based Investing is invaluable to practitioners who wish to design optimal portfolios. The authors define basic terms and discuss practical issues of implementation.
Mark Harrison, CFA, looks at combining factors in multifactor portfolios and considers issues of performance measurement in factor investing, in the third installment of his Shortcuts to Factor Investing series.
In the latest installment of his Shortcuts to Factor Investing series, Mark Harrison, CFA, takes a deeper dive into equities and factor investing's wider applications to other asset classes, including fixed income.
If investors have the option to cheaply replicate their desired exposures to help solve their portfolio problems, then why shouldn't they? Mark Harrison, CFA, curates the latest insights on what is meant by smart beta and factor investing and how they differ.