Enterprising Investor's most popular posts of the year include contributions from Mark J. Higgins, CFA, CFP, Larry Cao, CFA, Michinori Kanokogi, CFA, and Yoshimasa Satoh, CFA, among others.
Retirement, like life, is fundamentally uncertain. That's why we need to provide clients with more context about what missing their retirement-income goals might look like.
How can we incorporate dynamic spending into retirement income projections?
Spending flexibility must be better incorporated into the tools and outcomes metrics with which financial advisers advise clients.
Our clients' taxes and the tax-savings strategies we can devise for them should be on our minds year-round.
How can we mitigate sequence of returns risk (SoRR)?
The latest book from Larry Swedroe and Kevin Grogan, CFA, focuses on retirement planning. The inclusion of “complete” in the title is appropriate.
For retirees, success means, in part, not outliving their money. Two recent studies shed insight on how advisers can help clients accomplish that, Isaac Presley, CFA, reports.
Eleven rules for equity valuations from James J. Valentine, CFA, as described by Paul McCaffrey; suggestions for evidence-based thinking in retirement plans by Isaac Presley, CFA; and Sloane Ortel's examination of how Amazon fits into the active vs. passive debate are among the top EI posts from November.
US filial support laws could be a potential "sleeping giant." For those with clients who refuse to acknowledge the importance of planning for long-term health care in retirement, read on.