Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

Trade Imbalances

Progress in Economics

How has the consensus among economists on such issues as deficit spending and population growth shifted over the decades?

Understanding the TPP: Recommended Reading

The 12 TPP member countries jointly produce 40% of global GDP and represent about 800 million consumers. How will the agreement affect your business? What will be the impact on the companies you invest in? We have put together this primer to help you develop a framework for analysis and zoom in on some of the key issues.

Did the Gold Standard Work? Economics Before and After Fiat Money

Suddenly gold is being proposed as a cure-all for the weakening dollar, allowing it to retain its place as the international reserve currency — a trophy taken, not without a fight, from the British pound at the READ MORE ›

Rebalancing Global Trade: There is No Quick Fix

That global trade imbalances matter has been made abundantly clear by the ongoing global economic malaise. The likely path to more sustainable levels of trade deficits, however, remains far less clear.

Global Trade Imbalances Matter

A continuation of the sovereign debt crises of countries with large and rising trade deficits is not necessarily a fait accompli, but mitigation of the impact of these trade imbalances requires more than aggressive monetary policy alone.

Why the Current Account Deficit Helps Explain the Economics of QE3

Yesterday, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke removed all doubt about whether or not the Fed would proceed with QE3. What will be the impact? A careful study of the long-running U.S. current account deficit provides some answers.

How can China Rebalance from an Export and Investment Driven Economy to a Higher Consumption Share of GDP?

At the Australia Investment Conference in Sydney, Michael Pettis (pictured left), a professor at Peking University and senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, discussed READ MORE ›