Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


Top Five Articles from November: Equity Valuations, Amazon, Palm Oil

Eleven rules for equity valuations from James J. Valentine, CFA, as described by Paul McCaffrey; suggestions for evidence-based thinking in retirement plans by Isaac Presley, CFA; and Sloane Ortel's examination of how Amazon fits into the active vs. passive debate are among the top EI posts from November.

The Palm Oil Industry: Visualized through Big Data

Palm oil is an inexpensive and highly versatile vegetable oil derived from the fruit of the oil palm tree. And with annual sales of around $50 billion, palm oil is also a big business, albeit one with oversized risks. Gabriel Thoumi, CFA, FRM, and Kalev Leetaru use data visualizations to better understand the sector's interconnections.

Three Simple Steps to Improve Your Memory

"You are all capable of doing extraordinary things with your memory, you just need to learn the right techniques," according to memory expert Chester Santos. "You are all capable of remembering more than you think is possible."