Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

accounting standards

IFRS Accounting Standard Will Support Better Investment Decisions

IFRS 18 responds to investors' concerns about challenges in comparing companies' financial performance.

Rethinking the Economic Reality of Non-Cash Charges

We need to reconnect the economic implications of accounting for depreciation with goodwill amortization / impairment and other one-time charges.

A Framework to Drive ESG Financial Discipline

A focus on intangible value creation can bring more financial discipline to ESG investments.

Counting the Cost of Capital and Seeding Network-Based Accounting

Cost of capital is a tenuous concept. Charlie Munger amusingly calls it a “perfectly amazing mental malfunction.”

James H. Freis, Jr., CFA: The Rise and Fall of Wirecard

A key lesson from the "Enron of Germany": If you see something, say something.

Refreshing Revenue, the Cash Conversion Cycle, and Free Cash Flow

GAAP sometimes misrepresents business reality. We can use that fact to generate some alpha.

How Alpha Hides in GAAP Accounting: Return on Equity

You can find significant alpha in the mechanics that drive GAAP accounting.

Impact-Weighted Accounting: The Missing Ingredient?

Can Impact-Weighted Accounting (IWA) help unlock ESG Alpha for investors?

The End of Accounting? Sustaining Financial Reporting

The explanatory power of the financial information reported to investors for market valuation has plummeted in recent decades.

Don’t Overlook Accounting Comparability

Low accounting comparability can be costly for both firms and managers.