Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals


COVID-19 Correlations: Local Cases, Local Returns?

Do local COVID-19 case counts have any correlation with local stock returns?

Green and Renewable Energy: Not So Fast?

Our carbon neutral future may be a long way off.

A Rebalancing Market Means Higher Oil Prices

Jennifer Stevenson sees strong support for oil prices, and a supply-side rebalancing could mean big gains for North American oil companies.

Book Review: Environmental Finance and Investments

The authors analyze environmental commodity markets and how they can attract investments, focusing on the application of market-based instruments to incentivize the behavior and change needed to deliver environmental quality and mitigate environmental risk. This book can be read linearly, chapter by chapter, or it can be used by fund managers, regulatory investors, and green-finance experts as a reference to gain valuable insights into how to manage carbon markets.

Energy Markets and Musical Chairs

Ten years ago, we thought the world was running out of oil, that China and other emerging market countries would have insatiable energy demand growth, and that production costs would generally rise over time. We were wrong. Energy expert Amy Myers Jaffe explains why.

Amid Low Oil Prices, MENA Charts a Way Forward

New drivers of economic growth, transitioning away from oil production, and increasing entrepreneurship and the growth of small and medium enterprises were focal points at the 2016 Middle East Investment Conference.

How Much Value Has the Energy Industry Destroyed?

Energy companies lost 35% of investors’ money from the end of 2013 to early 2016. Were there common and objective industry “red flags” that could have been spotted in advance and thus disastrous investments averted?

Humanity Will Leave Coal Behind, But When?

There is a strong case that we won't be burning coal forever. It's cheap, but dirty. So we decided to ask CFA Institute Financial NewsBrief readers how long it will take before coal is no longer used for energy.

Book Review: The Energy World is Flat

Daniel Lacalle and Diego Parrilla argue that the same lessons learned from the global flattening caused by the internet revolution apply to global energy, and recent events have lent special importance to this book.

What’s Really Behind the Plunge in Oil Prices?

Given the recent developments in the price of oil and their implications for the broader market, what follows is an interview with Daniel Lacalle, a specialist in energy and utilities.