Do local COVID-19 case counts have any correlation with local stock returns?
Regardless of their age, profession, geographic area, or cultural background, smart women deal with money one way or another everyday, reports Barbara Stewart, CFA. Learn more about her latest research, “How Smart Women Are Managing Their Money in 2017.”
Earlier this week, we asked CFA Institute Financial NewsBrief readers who or what most influenced them to work in the financial sector. Rebecca Fender, CFA, analyzes the results.
In this extensive review of the history of finance, William Goetzmann covers the evolution of finance from ancient times to today, historic contributions to the financial system from around the world, and the ways the finance industry has affected the world around it. Interwoven throughout the rigorous history lesson are excellent practical suggestions for today’s investment practitioners based on Goetzmann’s analysis of the events of the past.
If it wasn’t for the impulsive, overconfident, irrationally exuberant, cognitively biased masses and their quirky behavior, we would have no markets at all.
Against a weaker economic background, a re-run of pre-crisis practices is no longer acceptable. In the face of criticism from regulators, investors, and politicians alike, an overhaul of private equity practices is overdue.